Sunday 3 July 2011

Just one more thing

There used to be one more thing, but sadly no more as the champion of controlled clumsiness died last week. 
 Such a pity, who would solve now the great mysteries of metal?

For example: why do Megadave and Megadeth stop before reaching perfection? They are almost there, but never quite make it all the way. Where is the creativity lost from Children of Bodom since 2008? Or what’s the story with Dream Theater? I mean, back in ’94 they awoke us in a sea of grunge, then with the mandatory entrapment of the studio executives and their own vanity they were falling into disgrace, but luckily, quickly came back with the brilliant, flawless perfect scene for a memory. Knowing that they can't top that album they followed that with six degrees of inner melody and then the train of heaviness and then they united these two in one, fresh meldavarium. But then something happened. They got stuck and ever since 2003 they are releasing the same album over and over again, an album called Octavariumsystematicchaosblackcloudsandsilverlinings. I managed to hear a sample from the new album -link- and it still is the same. We know that it's not the drummer, they swapped one Mike with another, so what could be it. Surely this would be a great case for the great grey raincoat wearer. Maybe in the process he could find out why do the other band members like James LaBrie’s voice so much, because sure as hell no one else seems to.
I left the most urgent matter last. Somebody should go down to Knebworth or Kilimanjaro or wherever the Sonisphere organisers are. They published – finally – the time table for the festival and it seems they are worshiping Taiyang Shen, Ri Gong Ri Guang Pu Sa, Tonatiuh or some other kind of a Sun god. Or maybe The Sun – or, as it is known in Liverpool, The Scum – is a sponsor here.
All the main acts are during the day, by the time the Sun sets silence will set on the Apollo and Saturn stages as well. And when I say during the day I say – for example – 12:15 for Arch Enemy. PM that is. Maybe they love staying out in the heat of the sun but I sure don't. I think not many people love attending a concert in these circumstances when you can't look at the stage without going blind because of the Sun. I remember a small band playing at a festival back home around 18 o'clock. There weren't too many people but they only occupied half of the space in front of the stage, the shady half.
The guys from Sonisphere must love it though, they even bragged about how in Italy Sonisphere crowds moshed in the scorching sun whilst in Glastonbury people battled the mud, Woodstock style. No festival should brag with its weather, nor bash other festivals for their bad weather. Anyways, I'm not saying that I prefer a muddy festival for a sunny one but I sure would prefer a sunny day followed by a starry night, during which we could rock out till the break of dawn whilst brother moon would provide enough light to take a pis in the bushes. Night and metal go hand in hand. Besides, what use there will be for all the stage lights? Totally useless. 
Sorry guys, not here

Pyrotechnics will be dim as well, if there will be any, but that's not the point. Or that peachy lighter waving during the ballads, which nowadays is replaced by mobile phone waving. Not that I am a fan of that.
I understand that due to the large number of acts some of them must perform during the day but I don't understand how could everything end at 22:30. I've been in many festivals and saw the time schedule - daydreaming - of many more but the concerts went on way deep in the night. The reasons for this are incomprehensible for me and it may require some deep digging to the roots of the British way and who knows what else. Sadly, the only man up to the task is gone now, so we may never know. I guess the only thing to do is to go to the festival, battle the sunshine and sample as many as possible from the kaleidoscope of bands and hope that in the years to come will be able to see them one by one in more...darker condition. Darker in a good way.

Erm, just on more thing: do fictional characters go to Heaven as well? 'Cause if they do they may be some hope, Dio helps.

Brother moon from Diabolus Dei on Vimeo.

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